About Us
Our Events
To Our Parents
Thank You
Some of Our Photos
Civil Wedding Photo Album
Wedding Venue Photo Album
Second Day Photo Album
Party at Maria Lechuga
Future Plans

We'd like to thank our parents for raising us in wonderful, loving homes, for bringing us up with true values and for always being there to provide good advice and a helping hand.

Thank you for your helpful advice over the years; for affection and understanding;
for your patience and faith in me; for the gift of true love, which enables me to remember
how wonderful you are!

Dziękuję Ci za Twoje cenne rady przez te wszystkie lata; za czułość i zrozumienie; za Twoją cierpliwość i wiarę we mnie; za dar prawdziwej miłości, która pozwala mi pamiętać o tym, jaka jesteś wspaniała.

Thank you for your care; for the sence of security and strong hand in moments of doubt; for fatherly love, that makes me admire you forever.

Dziękuję Ci za Twoją opiekę; za poczucie bezpieczeństwa i silne ramię w chwilach zwątpienia; za ojcowską miłość, która sprawia, że zawsze będziesz dla mnie autorytetem.

There are so many moments when I wish you knew how much you matter to me, and how much I thank you for all the sacrifices you made to give me the best. At all moments of my life whether we are near or far please remember Kikas, you will always be my very best friend.

Há tantos momentos que eu queria que soubesses o quanto és importante para mim e o quanto eu agradeço por todos os sacrificios que fizeste para me proporcionar o melhor. Em todos os momentos da minha vida esteja-mos perto ou longe lembra-te Kikas, sempre serás a minha melhor amiga.

What can you say to someone who has always been one of the most essential parts of your world; who stood by to help you grow, providing love, strenght and support so you could become the person you are today? Maybe you just say, thank you Papi.

O que se pode dizer a alguém que sempre foi uma das partes mais importantes do seu mundo, que estava perto para ajudá-lo a crescer, oferecendo amor, força e apoio para que você possa se tornar a pessoa que você é hoje? Talvez apenas se possa dizer, obrigado Papi.