About Us
Our Events
To Our Parents
Thank You
Some of Our Photos
Civil Wedding Photo Album
Wedding Venue Photo Album
Second Day Photo Album
Party at Maria Lechuga
Future Plans

Our most sincere thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your presence at our wedding and for being wonderful friends. We really appreciate the efforts you made to be there with us and we hope you had safe trips back home whether you drove o flew . Thank you also for your generosity, we loved all the presents! We hope you really enjoyed the wedding ceremony, the venue, the food, the party, the trips and meeting all our other friends and family. Judging from the comments we have received so far we think you did and that was our main goal. We had an unforgettable time, it truly was the most special day(s) of our lives. We didn’t only join our hearts but our family and friends in a joyful celebration…

Thanks to our families for support, for always being there for us and beliving in us.

Thank you Teresa for being a great mother and mother in law and for all the heart you put into the wedding preparation. We really apreciate your hard work and support.

Thank you Padre Amorim for beautiful speach that moved us to tears. We'll always remember your wise advices.

Thank you Nelson Campos for your wonderfull creativity, professional advice and support with our invitations and graphic production.

Thank you Paweł Kucharczuk (DJ Ed Szynszyl) for your help with intertainment planning. You did a great job at the wedding! Thanks a lot!

Great thanks to Ana and Abreu from Quinta do Mira Tejo, the band Companha Limitada, and all the people that worked hard to make our party an unforgettable event! Thank you for everything!